Become a Member.

“We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. – 1 John 1:3

Participation in the activities of St. George's Episcopal Church is open to individuals who have not been baptized.

Nevertheless, we encourage you to contemplate baptism and complete membership in the Body of Christ in due course.

Enrollment in the Parish

Individuals who have been baptized and wish to become members of the Episcopal Church can do so by registering their name through any of the following methods:

  • Completing a newcomer card and submitting it to the parish office Requesting their previous congregation to send us a letter of transfer. For Episcopal parishes, a standard form is available while other denominations can provide a courtesy letter.
  • Providing basic personal details including name, date of birth, and baptismal date and location for our records. Note: It is possible to participate actively in St. George Episcopal Church’s activities without being baptized. However, we encourage individuals to consider baptism and full membership in the Body of Christ at some point.


We invite you or a loved one to be welcomed into the Church and into the family of Christ. 

Baptism is one of the sacraments of the Episcopal Church, which is considered to be a rite of initiation into the Christian faith. Through baptism, a person is welcomed into the Church and into the family of Christ. It is a sacrament that marks a person’s commitment to living a life of faith and following the teachings of Jesus Christ.


In the Episcopal Church, baptism is performed by pouring or sprinkling water on the head of the person being baptized or by immersing the person in water. The water used in baptism is a symbol of new life and the washing away of sin. During the baptismal rite, the individual being baptized makes a series of vows, or promises, to renounce evil, repent of sin, and accept Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.

Infant baptism is also practiced in the Episcopal Church, in which parents and godparents make these vows on behalf of the child being baptized. The child is later confirmed as a member of the Church when they are old enough to make their own vows and reaffirm their faith in Jesus Christ.


Confirmation, Reception, and Reaffirmation

Confirmation in the Episcopal Church – A Public Affirmation of Faith

Confirmation in the Episcopal Church, as outlined in The Book of Common Prayer, is a ceremony for baptized individuals who are prepared to publicly declare a mature affirmation of their faith. It provides an opportunity for individuals to express, in their own words, what may have been said for them during their baptism. At St. George’s Episcopal Church, we encourage adults interested in confirmation to engage in Christian Formation programs, such as Confirm not Conform and Education for Ministry, and attend the Adult Forum. Confirmation is conducted once every two years when the Bishop visits St. George’s. While it is not mandatory for church membership, it is a significant means to acknowledge one’s connection to the church. During the ceremony, the Bishop prays that the Lord will “strengthen and uphold you in the service of Christ.”

Reception in the Episcopal Church – Welcoming Baptized Members of Other Denominations

Reception in the Episcopal Church is a ceremony designed for baptized individuals who have already made a mature public affirmation of their faith in another denomination. They are presented to the Bishop as part of the Confirmation rite, and the Bishop acknowledges their prior status and receives them into the Episcopal Church with these words: “We recognize you as a member of the one holy catholic and apostolic Church, and we receive you into the fellowship of this Communion.” It is important to note that the term “catholic” in this context, both in the Bishop’s acknowledgement and in the Nicene Creed recited during our services, does not relate to the Roman Catholic Church. Instead, the original Greek meaning of the word is simply “universal.” We believe that no Christian denomination has any exclusive or superior claim to Jesus Christ. The phrase “one holy catholic and apostolic church” refers to all of Christianity.

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