Welcome to St. George's
For one hundred and fifty years, St. George's has lived as a faithful presence at 4600 St. Charles Avenue, New Orleans. Our city has changed over that time, and so have we, but our commitment to love God and our neighbors has not. Each Sunday we gather to remember our common bond in Christ and seek to fulfill the promises we made at our baptisms to “strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.”
Through our common worship, rooted in the Episcopal Church and Anglican tradition, we are gathered into a community beloved by God. Our unity in worship does not erase the diversity of our experiences and beliefs. We seek to be a broad and generous church, willing to be surprised by whatever form Jesus will next enter our doors.
On any Sunday morning you may find an unhoused woman sitting next to a family with young children, a widow in her later years befriended by a gay couple just married in the church, a young person discerning their gender identity next a husband and wife whose last child left for college, a man who works in construction beside a woman who’s an executive at a bank. In our joys and sorrows, desires and disagreements, we all hear the common call, “The Lord be with you,” answering it with one voice, “And also with you.” To be with God and one another—that is our hope as we continue to faithfully embody our life together in this place.
Whoever you are. Wherever you are in your faith, you belong here.
When We Worship
10:30 am + Holy Eucharist, RIte II